Qatar Airways inaugurates flight to Neom
As part of a major breakthrough and anticipating the planned 2024 inauguration of Neom-Sindalalah, Qatar Airways is set to make history by becoming the first airline operator to land at the brand new airport in the futuristic city of Neom , in Saudi Arabia.
An air bridge between Doha and Neom: Inaugural flights serving employees
Initially, flights operated by Qatar Airways will be deployed for a particular purpose: transporting personnel dedicated to the construction of the Neom project to their families outside Saudi borders.
Neom, a visionary project of the Saudi Crown, has hired more than fifteen hundred employees representing more than sixty-five nationalities.
The Neom Project transcends geographic and cultural boundaries to bring together brilliant minds from around the world. The addition of Qatar Airways flights will not only help facilitate the travel of this diverse workforce but will also strengthen Neom’s overall connectivity with the rest of the world.